Best radio: Wiretap: The Fox and the Hedgehog
Best Quotations - Justice Kennedy
"As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom."
Best Music - Feel it All Around - Washed Out
Happy Word - Mama
I love to hear, "mama, [insert funny question]." It has been a regular occurence lately.
Best Music - Gotta Work - Billy Brag - Mermaid Ave. III
Best Children's Books - Francine's Day
Title: Francine's Day
Author: Anna Alter
Summary: Francine doesn't feel like getting dressed, going to school, participating in class or playing at recess. We've all been there. Ben didn't like it - he found it depressing. Mr. J seemed to like it mostly because I did. Not everyday is great and this book shows kids that its OK to embrace it (and your mom when you get home). The illustrations are warm and compliment the story well.
Best Children's Books - Lazy Little Loafers
Title: Lazy Little Loafers
Author: Susan Orlean
Comments: Some books I want to throw at the wall because I hate them so much and the bug wants to read them 100 times. Lazy Little Loafers was not one of them. We all liked it, over and over and over again. Great story, great illustrations. Great illustrations. Great story.
Summary: A little girl is bitter about how babies do nothing all day long while she goes to school, does homework, chores etc. The illustrations make it an 11 (see This is Spinal Tap).