Monday, October 15, 2007

True or False (names changed to protect the innocent):

1. Geoff is way too nice and would probably pay $90.00 for Radiohead's new album "In Rainbows"
2. Shancy is exceedingly manipulative and would try and download "In Rainbows" for free
3. Geoff and Chris (think "necessaries") should meet up and commiserate about their unfortunate luck in relationships.
4. Geoff and Chris would make a good couple because Geoff has no money and Chris has a lot that he can spare on a lovely party to cheer up Geoff.
5. "Timeless as a river" is a classy inscription
6. "Timeless as a river" really refers to
Rivers Drying Up, and is an ironic eco-political statement Geoff and Shancy thought up while on a river trip on the Yellow River.
7. Shancy should have asked her wealthy parents for $$$ for med school, not her poor significant other.
8. I'm procrastinating.


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